Name: Christos Kozyrakis (Collaborator)
Email: christos at ee dot stanford dot edu


Energy Dumpster Diving.

Maria Kazandjieva, Brandon Heller, Philip Levis, and Christos Kozyrakis. In Second Workshop on Power Aware Computing (HotPower), 2009.

SlidesSlides Web pageWWW PaperPaper

Green Enterprise Computing Data: Assumptions and Realities.

Maria Kazandjieva, Brandon Heller, Omprakash Gnawali, Philip Levis, and Christos Kozyrakis. In Proceedings of the Third International Green Computing Conference (IGCC), 2012.

DataData SlidesSlides Web pageWWW PaperPaper

Measuring and Analyzing the Energy Use of Enterprise Computing Systems.

Maria Kazandjieva, Omprakash Gnawali, Philip Levis, and Christos Kozyrakis. In Journal of Sustainable Couputing, 2013.

SlidesSlides Web pageWWW PaperPaper
