Driver Scripts
- ncc: driver script for TinyOS, understands TinyOS platforms, etc. Behaves like gcc with extra options. Main task is to generate and execute a nescc command
- nescc: driver script for nesC, understands how to compile a nesC application. Supports cross-compilation. Behaves like gcc with extra options. Main task is to generate and execute a gcc command with the appropriate magic (see the tdspecs file) to invoke nesc-compile on .nc files.
- mig, nescc-mig: TinyOS and non-TinyOS scripts to invoke the message interface generator. End up calling nescc with the "right" options.
- ncg, nescc-ncg: TinyOS and non-TinyOS scripts to invoke the constant generator. End up calling nescc with the "right" options.
Internal Script
- nesc-compile: Invoked by gcc when passed a .nc file. Must generate a .s or .o file depending on options received. Essentially, invokes nesc1 to transform nesC application into a C file, then invokes gcc to compile this C file.
In all these scripts, gcc stands for the target platform's gcc, though, except for the invocation from nesc-compile, this isn't typically crucial.