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(Using the ''nescdt'' plugin for Eclipse)
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==Using the ''nescdt'' plugin for Eclipse==
#REDIRECT [[NESCDT- An editor for nesC in Eclipse]]
A basic [http://nescc.sourceforge.net/papers/nesc-ref.pdf '''nesC'''] editor plugin for Eclipse with  syntax highlighting and '''.nc''' file content detection for the follow types:
* ''interface'' [[Image:Inter.gif]],
* ''module'' [[Image:Mod.gif]],
* ''generic module'' [[Image:Genmod.gif]],
* ''configuration'' [[Image:Conf.gif]],
* and ''generic configuration'' [[Image:Genconf.gif]].
The same symbols are used as in [[Getting_Started_with_TinyOS#Visualizing_a_Component_Graph| nesdoc]]. The source is included in the plugin jar file, and it is possible to refine it. To install the plugin:
* Download the '''nescdt_0.0.7.jar''' file [[http://nxtmote.sf.net/nescdt_0.0.7.jar here]]
* Save it in the root of Eclipse plugin directory (where the other (jar) plugins also reside)
* Restart Eclipse (perhaps verify for yourself that it is installed: ''Help->About Eclipse SDK->Plug-in Details'')
* Associate the *.nc files with this editor: ''Windows->Preferences->General->Editors->File Associations''
* Create a new empty project [[Image:Nxtmote-newproject.jpg]] and name it what you want to (for example '''nescsampleproject''')
* Create a new folder in the project (right-click on the project) and name it what you want (recommended to name it similar to the folder name that we will link to in the next step)
* Import and link to the part of the TinyOS tree or your own code(right-click and press import)
* Choose the ''Link to folder in the file system'' option and proceed (this will not change your TinyOS code at all and it will not copy any files on your computer)
* When you are done the Eclipse IDE could look something like (note that the content of the files have been analyzed and that the icon reveals that we have some modules, generic modules, configurations and interface files in the ''timer'' folder):
* Side notes
**The ''nescdt'' plugin is < 50 KB
**If the CVS [http://www.eclipse.org/articles/Article-Decorators/decorators.html decorators] annoys you, then turn it off from '''Window->Preferences...->General->Appearance->Label Decorations'''.
**You can also download the CDT plugin for editing the header files and c files in Eclipse. Enter the [http://download.eclipse.org/tools/cdt/releases/europa http://download.eclipse.org/tools/cdt/releases/europa] as a new ''Remote site'' in the Eclipse update manager and choose the CDT main plugin:

Latest revision as of 02:04, 9 November 2009